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Ogilvy Greece invests in green energy and collaborates with Greenvolt Next and Globalsat for its energy transformation
Ogilvy Greece invests in green energy and collaborates with...
Greenvolt Next and Globalsat, two dynamic companies which provide integrated green energy solutions for businesses that want to boost their energy transition, formed a partnership with the...
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Globalsat: Event for the Green Transition of Businesses in collaboration with the Corinth Chamber
Globalsat: Event for the Green Transition of Businesses in...
Globalsat, one of the leading providers of integrated technology and green energy solutions and a distributor of technology products in Greece, with a leading presence in the most dynamic sectors...
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Globalsat and KAE Panathinaikos AKTOR: the collaboration that upgrades the experience at OAKA
Globalsat and KAE Panathinaikos AKTOR: the collaboration that...
Globalsat Group, a pioneer in the distribution and management of technology products and a provider of integrated solutions for the energy and digital transformation of the modern business,...
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H ψηφιακή μετάβαση καταλύτης για την ανταγωνιστικότητα
H ψηφιακή μετάβαση καταλύτης για την ανταγωνιστικότητα
Για την αναγκαιότητα τόσο της ψηφιακής όσο και της ενεργειακής μετάβασης μίλησαν ο Δημήτρης Καπέλλος, CEO της Globalsat Energis και ο Διονύσιος Ανάργυρος, Managing Director της Greenvolt...
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