Ogilvy Greece invests in green energy and collaborates with Greenvolt Next and Globalsat for its energy transformation
Greenvolt Next and Globalsat, two dynamic companies which provide integrated green energy solutions for businesses that want to boost their energy transition, formed a partnership with the award-winning advertising agency Ogilvy Greece. This collaboration resulted in the transformation of Ogilvy’s building in Gerakas, which, following the implementation of Greenvolt Next and Globalsat’s green solutions, now stands as a case study for sustainable energy production and consumption in office buildings within urban environments.
Ogilvy Greece, responding to the global society’s demand for sustainability, took the initiative to upgrade its building infrastructure and significantly reduce the energy footprint generated by its operations. Today, its facilities in Athens incorporate PV systems for green energy production, covering, in the initial phase, 43% of the company’s energy consumption, as well as 38 Blink charging stations for e-vehicle users.
Ogilvy Greece chose the Solar PPA – Zero Investment solution of Greenvolt Next, which allows the company to reduce its energy costs and environmental footprint without any investment on its part. Greenvolt Next’s specialized team took on the financing and installation costs of the PV system, as well as all procedures related to licensing, planning, design, and construction of the project. Additionally, maintenance and cleaning of the PV installation is a service provided to Ogilvy Greece by Greenvolt Next, ensuring maximum solar energy production and optimal panel performance.
The installation of PV panels on the covered parking (carports) and rooftops of Ogilvy’s buildings represents a smart approach to the production and consumption of clean solar energy, with a total capacity of 314.6 kWp. The annual solar energy produced amounts to 446,720 kWh, covering 43% of Ogilvy’s energy needs. This investment helps reduce CO2 emissions by 170 tons per year, significantly lowering the company’s environmental footprint, while also providing shading and protection in the parking areas.
Additionally, as part of the company’s transition to an electric vehicle fleet, 38 Blink charging stations were installed to serve the vehicles of Ogilvy’s employees and visitors, supporting the effort for a greener and more sustainable future. This initiative highlights Ogilvy’s commitment to environmental protection, while also strengthening its position as a leading advertising company in Greece.
In March 2023, Greece officially became the 4th station in the expansion of Greenvolt, a Group that is a leader in renewable energy in Europe. The establishment of Greenvolt Next Greece, in collaboration with the Greek Group of Globalsat, which leads in the distribution and management of technology products as well as providing integrated solutions for the energy and digital transformation of modern businesses, aimed to change the way corporate clients consume, produce, and share energy. This initiative leverages new technologies and the opportunities arising from the digital and energy transformation of the market.
Greenvolt Next and Globalsat are committed to providing sustainable solutions that support the energy transition of businesses, helping them reduce energy costs and improve their environmental footprint. Through the Solar PPA – Zero Investment solution, Ogilvy Greece achieves energy independence without any investment on its part, enabling the company to consume green energy right at the point of production.
About Greenvolt Group
Greenvolt is a Group owned by KKR, with activities focused on 100% renewable energy across 20 geographic regions in Europe, North America, and Asia, providing renewable energy solutions in the following three key business sectors:
- Biomass (through Greenvolt Biomass) generating energy from forest and urban waste through 7 production plants in Portugal and the United Kingdom.
- Large-Scale (through Greenvolt Power) developing large-scale wind energy, solar (PV), and storage projects in European markets, the U.S., and Japan, with a total project portfolio of 10.9 GW.
- Distributed Generation (through Greenvolt Next) focusing on B2B self-generation solutions (installation, maintenance, and financing of photovoltaic systems on rooftops and carports), energy storage (via batteries), and e-mobility solutions.
Watch the video of Ogilvy’s transformation here.
Further information about Globalsat: LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Corporate site | Eshop
Further information about Greenvolt Next: LinkedIn | Website